Governance and Accountability in the Public Sector

Governance and Accountability in the Public Sector

This one day course will equip attendees with a sound knowledge and understanding of governance and accountability in a public sector context and by the end of the session, attendees will:

  • Understand the current structure and powers of their regional Assembly/Parliament, the Executive and the public bodies landscape

  • Be able to describe how public bodies are funded and the accountability regime within which they operate (the role of the Accounting (Accountable) Officer, Auditor General etc.)

  • Be aware of and understand the Nolan (Nine) Principles, focusing on their application in practice and the increased potential for breaches of accepted standards of behaviour in the current climate

  • Be able to outline the key principles of good governance and apply them to their organisation

  • Be aware of the main reasons for governance failure/why organisations fail in the public sector and how to avoid this happening

  • Be able to benchmark the governance of their own organisation against best practice

Who is this course for?

All members of Senior Leadership Teams and other managers in the public sector who have an interest in, or responsibility for, the governance and accountability requirements of their organisation or those of an Arm's Length Body

How is this course delivered?

The workshop is delivered by a mix of Powerpoint presentation and case studies/group discussion. Slides are used by the facilitator to set out best practice but most of the workshop involves interactive exercises including a quiz, consideration of case studies, real examples where governance has failed and facilitated discussion of what good governance looks like in practice.

Course Tutor

David Nicholl

David has trained more than 700 boards of public sector bodies in Scotland, Wales, England, Northern Ireland and beyond and is widely recognised as the UK and Ireland’s leading expert in corporate governance in the public sector.